Oneness, Be a Mirror Reflecting Only Love by H.I.P.P.I.E.


Compliments to my friend H.I.P.P.I.E. on Facebook.  I ask that you share this post with others.  Let’s spread the awareness of one and the desire for a new Earth.

Please follow this link:


The Arcturians – The Interpreters and Coming Home

Dear Arcturians, in one of your last messages you stated that we, your volunteers who took an earth vessel for this NOW, are to be the “Interpreters.” Can you talk some more about that please?

Arcturian Response: “Yes, we are happy to explain. First, we ask that you go back to our messages beginning at the 1-2-15, and read through them or imagere-inform yourself of that information starting with Brainwaves and Consciousness .

We have been preparing all of you to recognize and read thought forms and energy fields. Gaia is creating/allowing Her transition into the fifth dimensional frequency in which there is NO time. In fact, your planet is moving through a major energy field towards the end of this September 2015.

The escalation and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the Sun and other cosmic energies will expand during August to reach their peak around September 23-24, 2015. We tell you to alleviate any “fear of the unknown.” The energy field of fear causes resistance, and makes you “push back” against the energy field.

On the other hand, the energy field of love, especially unconditional love, allows a flowing intoand embracing of the energy field. Furthermore, if you expand your consciousness into your higher brainwaves of fifth-dimensional gamma waves, you will be able to consciously experience these energy fields and allow the embedded messages into your consciousness.

Remember that a thought form has myriad versions of the same information. Therefore, each “individual” can perceive the information from his/her own personal viewpoint. It is also very powerful if you have created a “group” of like-minded volunteers. In that manner, you can combine all your individual experiences into a collective experience.

Of course, since this energy field is largely fifth dimensional, you will need to be in your fifth-dimensional, Gamma Wave Consciousness to gain the clearest message. Also, you must release ALL fear of the unknown.

When your consciousness is fifth dimensional, you will be in alignment with these fifth dimensional energy fields. Then, you will be more able to “read” the inter-dimensional thought forms and energy packages embedded in this cosmic flow of higher light.

For as long as you can maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to perceive these higher frequency energy patterns and acknowledge that they contain a form of Light Language.

From your higher states of consciousness, not only can you perceive these energy packages, but you will do so before they leave the fifth dimension and drop into the “time” of your third and fourth dimensional reality.

Therefore, you will be able to contribute unconditional love, multidimensional light and Violet Fire, which will greatly assist Gaia to integrate these higher frequencies into her planetary form.

We need you, our galactic volunteers, to work with the consciousness of Gaia. Yes, Gaia does have a consciousness, and She IS a sentient being. Via your fifth-dimensional consciousness you will be able to commune with Gaia’s elementals of Ether, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Just as your body encompasses all your own elementals, Gaia’s body encompasses Her elementals. The elemental kingdom are members of the Devic kingdom and serve as holders of form. These elementals flow from human to planet and planet to human—as well as all life-forms.

Since these elementals resonate to frequencies beyond the third dimension, they can assist third dimension form to adapt to the higher light by surrendering into the oncoming energy fields with no third dimensional resistance.

As long as you can maintain a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to “receive” the Light language embedded in the higher dimensional energy wave and allow it to guide you through your personal and planetary transmutation.

Your greatest challenge will be to keep your third dimensional awareness “online” and connected to your fifth dimensional experiences. As long as your personal portal between your third, through the fourth and into the fifth dimensional states of consciousness remain open, you will be able to remember the fifth dimensional communications.

Fortunately, the higher energy wave will likely activate your 97% DNA. Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues, who were also doing junk DNA research, believed that the patterns of light in the vacuum caused by the DNA were actually magnetized wormholes. Somehow the DNA transformed the light into wormholes, which were still present after the DNA was removed.

These wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges theorized to exist in the vicinity of black holes (left by burnt-out stars)—tunnels through which light information can be transmitted outside space and time from different areas in the universe.

Poponin, Garjajev, and other Russian scientists think that our junk DNA attracts bits of light information and passes them on to our consciousness. This inter-dimensional passage of information is titled “hyper-communication.”

These scientists surmised that energy from outside of space and time flows through these wormholes, and that the wormholes were activated by the existence of the DNA. If it was the DNA that actually opened these wormholes, is it possible that our very DNA is capable of receiving the subatomic light particles that make up the matrix of the “super hologram”?

There may be a “chicken or egg” situation where the subatomic light matrix can activate DNA wormholes, whereas at the same time, it is the activated wormholes that can perceive and accept the holographic picture of the subatomic light particles.

Russian researchers have also joined with linguists and geneticists to explore junk DNA. They found that junk DNA follows the rules of our human language. According to them, our junk DNA serves as data storage and communication.

In exploring the vibrational behavior of DNA, Garjajev and his colleagues have found that living chromosomes function just like holographic computers. These researchers modulated certain high-frequency patterns onto a laser ray to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since our junk DNA and language share the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of human language to influence the DNA.

Garjajev believes that junk DNA in living tissue will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves – if the higher frequencies are used to project the message. Garjajev’s research explains why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like can have a strong effect on humans and their bodies. They have further stated that the higher the individual’s consciousness, the less need there is for any type of laser device.

The holographic and junk DNA research reveals that humans are basically receivers floating through a sea of frequencies of light interference patterns. We choose to perceive, and hence create, our reality from the myriad possible realities that the super hologram projects from beyond time and space for us to receive through our personal portals (the wormholes).

Once we receive this light information, we process it through our holographic brain so that we can project our picture of reality into the physical world to be contributed to the collective and planetary consciousness. In this manner, we are all ONE being receiving ONE message through many different portals.

We tell you NOW, that you will NOT perceive the fifth dimension in the same manner as you perceive the third, or even the fourth dimensions. The closest example we can give you for fifth dimensional perceptions are they feel like they are “just your imagination.” Hence, to move into this next octave of your reality, you will need to finally realize that your imagination is indeed REAL.

The truth is that the third dimension is merely a holographic projection. Hence, your 3D reality is NOT real. You have believed that reality begins in the physical world, AND, there may be a possibility that your dreams can guide you—sometimes.

In reality, your fourth dimension dream life is the portal that connects your true, fifth dimensional SELF with the holographic projection sent from the fifth dimension, through the fourth and onto the 3D Matrix of the third dimension. Have you ever had a dream that you thought was “real” until you woke up?

You are NOW in the process of waking up to your true SELF. This true YOU, is actually your Lightbody SELF who lies latent in the base of your spine. This energy field has been called “The Sleeping Serpent.” Why serpent?

“Are you saying that we are all just illusions?” you may ask. “NO,“ we respond, “YOU, your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF, is NOT an illusion. However, your great multidimensional light has been cast onto the 3D Matrix from your fifth dimensional expression.”

To make sure that you can make contact with your own light source, it is stored within the physical vessel that is attached to the 3D physical matrix of Earth. We tell you this because we do not want you to have fear about the flashing of your reality into the fifth dimension.

You have no need to be afraid because the fifth dimension is where the real YOU, the puppeteer, is guiding the physical you, the wooden puppet, through the story that YOU have created. What connects the puppeteer to the puppet is your fourth-dimensional, astral self.

Your fourth dimensional reality is the dream, fantasy and aspirational world through which the two-way information between 3D and 5D can flow. As you master your ability to regulate your own states of consciousness, you will be able to follow the flow of your:

Beta Wave, third dimensional consciousness into your

Alpha Wave, fourth dimensional consciousness into your,

Gamma Wave, fifth dimensional consciousness – and back again.

In other words, you will be able to ride the “river of life.” You know that when you ride a river, that the water at the top of the mountain is not separate from the water at the bottom of the mountain. Some of the molecules of water have evaporated, some water has been taken from the river or cast onto dry shores, but the water at the bottom of the mountain is ONE with the water at the top.

In the same manner, the higher frequency light from the higher dimensions is not separate from the light in your physical plane. This light may be diluted or hard to recognize, but if you use your fifth dimensional perceptions, you will be able to recognize the different frequencies that are within the light that constantly bathes your planet.

Just as you must choose a certain channel or frequency on your physical communication devices, you will remember how to choose your fifth dimensional channel within your own multidimensional brain.

Your physical brain appears to be just your physical reality. However, your higher dimensional expressions of self do not just resonate around you. They resonate within you first, as all creation begins within the core.

Therefore, if you calibrate your attention to the higher frequency pattern within your Third Eye and your High Heart, you will find the seeds of multidimensionality that have always been within you.

In the same way that you choose channel 3 on your TV for one show, channel 4 for a another show and channel 5 for yet another show, you will choose what you wish to perceive by regulating your state of consciousness.

Channel 4 allows you to see the “awake” show or the “sleeping” show. On the other hand, your channel 5 allows you to perceive everything on channels 3, 4, simultaneously within the same NOW. How can your 3D brain perceive three different channels all at once?

It cannot! Your 3D TV/brain would see different perceptions interfering with each other. Your4D TV/brain would perceive pictures with wavering shadows that make it difficult to see clearly. On the other hand, your 5D TV brain would be able to perceive myriad pictures all intertwined and working as ONE co-operative system.

When you have more and more fifth dimensional communication you will likely find that these 5D communications are often accompanied by the feeling of your Kundalini force moving up and down within your spinal cord.

This feeling is very euphoric and gives you a strong, “YES, you are having a fifth dimensional experience.” This feeling is similar an invitation to communicate, such as a phone ringing or a doorbell chiming.

However, these messages are kinesthetic rather than auditory or visual. Your body is very helpful in giving you a strong kinesthetic “Yes” via Kundalini activation, or a loving emotion and/or a pleasant thought. On the other hand, your body will say “No” with a hollow feeling inside you that is accented with depression and/or anxiety.

When you remember how to maintain a fifth dimensional consciousness for more and more of your “time,” you will also remember how to read thought forms and energy fields with the innate, resonating patterns of your physical form.

The kinesthetic feelings we have spoken of above are common to everyone. There are also personal triggers, responses, emotions and kinesthetic reaction that were learned during your present incarnation.

You will find it helpful to recognize and document these reactions to life, as your body CANNOT lie. Just as your beloved dog or cat or bird cannot lie because they are incapable of deception in that human manner, your body will tell you the truth.

However, your body can only tell you the truth if you want the truth, and if you are willing to receive it. Your third dimensional society has taught you to lie to yourself and to lie to others so that you NOT get in TROUBLE.

We have experienced through our volunteers that the constant comings and goings between the differing 3D, 4D and 5D timelines can cause great confusion for one’s sequential 3D memory. For many of you, the return of your attention to the third dimension does not always occur within the natural sequence of that “time.”

In other words, you may have a “brief meditation” about a fifth dimensional message and find than an hour has passed when you return your focus back to your 3D endeavor. In fact, many of your inter-dimensional journeys are often not even noted by your physical perceptions. Therefore, you have the experience of lost “time” or “lost sequence of events.”

Obviously, when time is lost, the time-bound sequence of event would become very confusing. Lost time is when you think it has been just a few minutes to look up at the clock and see that an hour has passed.

On the other hand, lost sequence is when you find yourself in a different place and/or endeavor, but you cannot remember the “in-between” of where you thought you were and how you got where you are NOW.

In other words, you inter-dimensionally traveled beyond the 3D and came back into your earth vessel after your 3D self had moved your physical location. Once you re-connect with your 3D consciousness, ego self, you cannot remember where you were or how your body is now in a different location.

This dynamic is even more common with “lost time.” You look at the clock and see it is a certain time. Then you become involved in an endeavor that activates your fifth dimensional consciousness, which is beyond time. Then, you actually leave time. No third dimensional person will see this occur because 3D perception does not believe that that situation is true. Thus, if you cannot believe it, you cannot perceive it.

However, if you are aware, you will observe that something suddenly changed and you missed the transition between what it was before and what it became when you returned. Of course, since you did not know that you left, you did not know that you returned. That is, you do not know that with your third dimensional consciousness.

We are telling you this information because you are entering an area of space in which there are many higher frequency energy waves. Therefore, it is the NOW to fully activate your multidimensional consciousness. If you do not do so NOW, you will begin to doubt your self and doubt your perceptions.

Self-doubt is very dangerous in the changing world you are experiencing because it can initiate fear. Once you experience fear, your consciousness will lower. Then you will become completely confused, as you do not remember how or why your consciousness dropped out of feeling good and in to feeling afraid.

You will likely feel as though you just crash landed on the third dimension, but you may not be able to remember where you landed from, where you where going and/or what you did. In your past, meaning earlier years of your planetary transition, you were all confused and laughed it off.

It was mostly conjecture then, so that was fine. You were learning to fly and had some crash landings. However, it is the NOW of what you were then just pondering, or maybe, even planning for. Therefore, you could lose your focus without too many consequences.

However, NOW, the consequences can become extreme. Therefore, you must maintain a steady line of communication with your own higher expressions. As long as your human consciousness feels somewhat informed, you can stay above fear.

However, once you lose touch with your Higher SELF, you will become frightened and not remember why. Avoiding fear and living in the highest state of consciousness that you can is one of the most important things for you to remember within this NOW.

Therefore, dear scouts into your “brave new world” KNOW your SELF. What you do NOT know about your self is an opened door for fear to enter. When in doubt, when EVER you feel ANY fear remember to say,

“I Send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire!”

We, your Arcturian and Galactic Family, are here to help you. However, Gaia is a planet based on free will, so you must ASK for our help. However, we can ask you for help. We are sending many messages to our volunteers on Earth. We are looking for more “interpreters” through whom we can speak.

Please apply for the position within your own High Heart.

Your Galactic Family is with you.

You can see us with your fifth-dimensional consciousness.

For more related information.

Most of all, please remember that

YOU are coming HOME

by Suzanne Lie of




Vibrations Everywhere

The Universe is vibrationally based, and you — Contrast is essential to new decision — and a new decision is that leading edge thought that takes thought beyond that which it has been before. As physical extensions of timagehis Nonphysical Energy that has created all of this — are vibrational beings too. Everything vibrates, and everything is communicating and reacting, responding and integrating with other things that are vibrating.

Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse – April 4, 2015

blood moon meditation

The magic is happening now!  Step up and get on board with the evolution that is happening all over the world.  With this special blood moon and lunar eclipse, many thousands of people are joining the revolution and allowing themselves to be blessed by releasing all their old beliefs that no longer serve their best interest and ALLOWING themselves to be enlightened to the fact that they are more than they’ve been told.  They are beautiful Souls who chose to experience physicality and limitations but with the intention that they would remember how to allow those limitations to serve them to the best interest of themselves and others on Earth.  Not only is humanity’s consciousness expanding, Mother Earth and all of the universes are expanding their consciousness too.  This is a powerful gateway for all to further the ascension process for everyone and everything.

Don’t get left behind – I encourage you to go outside and truly ground with Mother Earth, meditate under the moon and release all things that are keeping you from moving into the 5th dimension.  This is an emotional time that will serve your Soul in the most extraordinary manner.  Be real, be true, be honest, be alive, feel your power, feel your worth, feel love, feel peace, feel harmony, feel that you are one with all, feel love for all that exists.

I love you all!



Our Perception is Limited

All of our attention is focused in a highly specialized way upon one shining, bright point of which we call reality. However, truth be told….. there are other realities all about us, but we ignore their existence, and blot out all stimuli that come from them.  There is a reason for this.  Many have discovered the reason for this trance and have awaken and little by little, we all must wake up and face the fact that we are multidimensional beings of light that exist in many different facets.

Creation and perception are far more intimately connected than any of our scientists realize.  It is quite true that our physical senses create the reality that we perceive. It is simply that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises througyour perception of life is your choiceh which consciousness expresses itself.  The physical senses force us to translate experience into physical perceptions.  The physical senses allow us to perceive the three-dimensional world and yet by their very nature they can inhibit the perception of other equally valid dimensions. We identify with our daily physically oriented self.  We would not think of identifying with one portion of our body and ignoring all other parts, and yet we are doing that exact same thing when we imagine that the egotistical self carries the burden of our identity.

The inner senses open our range of perception, allowing us to interpret experience in a far freer manner and create new forms and new channels through which we, or any consciousness, can know itself.  Consciousness is, among other things, a spontaneous exercise in creativity.  So we are learning now, in a three-dimensional context, the ways in which our emotional and psychic existence can create varieties of physical form. We manipulate within the psychic environment, and these manipulations are then automatically impressed upon the physical mold.  Consciousness is a way of perceiving the various dimensions of reality. We form the physical body that we know at a deeply unconscious level with great discrimination, miraculous clarity, and intimate unconscious knowledge of each minute cell that composes it. This is not meant symbolically. It is literally the truth.  Now, because our conscious mind as we think of it is not aware of these activities, we do not identify with this inner portion of ourselves. Rather, we prefer to identify with the part of us who watches television or cooks or works – the part of us that thinks it knows what we are doing.  But this seemingly unconscious portion of us is far more knowledgeable and our entire physical existence depends on it. This portion is conscious, aware and alert.  It is us, so focused in physical reality, who do not listen to its voice, who do not understand that it is the great psychological strength from which our physically oriented self springs. I call this seemingly unconscious, the “Higher Self”, for it directs inner activities.  It correlates information that is perceived not only through the physical senses, but through other channels. It is the inner perceiver of reality that exists beyond the three dimensional. It carries within it the memory of each of our individual and collective existences. It looks into subjective dimensions that are literally infinite, and from these subjective dimensions all objectives flow. All necessary information is given to us through these inner channels, and unbelievable inner activities take place before we can so much as lift a finger, flicker an eyelid, or read this sentence upon this page. This portion of our identity is quite clairvoyant and telepathic, so that we are warned of disasters before they occur, whether or not we consciously accept the message and all communication takes place long before a word is spoken. The Ego and the Higher Self operate together, the one to enable us to manipulate in the world that we know, the other to bring us those delicate inner perceptions without which physical existence could not be maintained.  There is however a portion of us, the deeper identity who forms both the inner ego and the outer ego, who decided that we would be a physical being in this place at this time.  This is the core of our identity, the psychic seed from which we sprang, the multidimensional personality of which we are a part. We are ever changing and evolving and this process will go on forever.

Now is the time, the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age, call it what you will.  However, humanity has crossed a threshold into a new cycle of life that is now operating on a more peaceful current.  We are no longer under quarantine meaning other beings from other civilizations, the universe, other planets are now able to intercede and assist us with our evolution. Welcome them as they come to help us learn how beautiful and powerful we really are.  Many have awaken to their TRUE SELVES and many will follow.  Don’t get left behind.  Allow the gift of your perception to grow and be the gift that it was intended to be.  Meditate to find yourself and realize that you hold “all that is” within you.  The world needs your light and love so share it around and help to create a world of peace and love that all have been waiting for and that all agreed to build before incarnating to Earth.  This is our mission – we agreed to help heal Mother Earth and evolve humanity.  There is no greater time than NOW to be alive, to be human, and to love ALL THAT IS. Widen your perception and you will see that life is not limited and neither are you. ~ Kathyann.


Connected to All

Quantum World”In this quantum world, all possibilities and potentials exist simultaneously until one potential is observed or called forth. In the entangled community when more and more vibrational beings are offering high conscious frequencies of love, joy, gratitude and understanding, that is the potential reality that will manifest for all. You can help call forth a reality that honors others and all living beings, a reality that supports and encourages the well-being of all, a reality that owns, honors and acknowledges the divineness within one another.

You are powerful beyond measure. When you accept this level of consciousness, you begin to truly transform the misqualified energies and vibrations of others in a loving manner. The nature of entangled or connected light particles is how wondrous information is shared instantaneously across time and space. When you radiate the vibrations of love and joy, it is a blessing of grace.”

~Connected to All by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Creation and the Universe

Awaken from separatenessOne of the aspects of this present wave of ascension we are in is:

Creation and the Universe

Together, we are all the universe and we continuously create, be it consciously or unconsciously. We will be creating very differently in the future. Right now, we are stepping our toes into the ocean, embarking upon the new journey to traverse the ocean. But all that we have engaged thus far, are our toes. We have an immense, vast expanse in front of us to explore. And in that exploration it is important to know what we are getting into. What is the new adventure? The new adventure is expressing creation and how we develop our universe. What will it be? How will it be configured? How will it be expressed? What new stars will we discover? What new nebulas? And what new expressions in interaction with each other in recognition of our interconnectedness, which will no longer be seen as a threat, but rather an expression to be embraced and appreciated for it is support. For the more we embrace our interconnectedness the more we will perceive how much we really are intertwined and how much we really need one another. For you are I and I am you.

We have a long way to go in our evolution process, but exploring together will make our waves of ascension much more enlightening. Much love and support to all ~Kathyann

4th Density

4th densityAre you tired of negativity?  Sometimes it seems that no matter where we are or what we are doing – negativity abounds everywhere.  At this time in the history of Earth and Human evolvement, the only way to get out of the negative environment is to expand your consciousness which will allow you to eventually move on into a 4th density reality.

Fourth density represents the acceleration of your awareness of yourself so that you become more aware more of yourself as All That Is, your relationship to the idea of the Creator, the All That Is-ness of yourself. It is the ability, now that you have third density — which is the representation of existing in space, existing in time, existing with polarity. Third density is having the ability to look at yourself objectively. But that is only an illusion; everything is subjective. The ability to create the illusion of objectivity is one of the ideas of third density — that you can stand outside yourself and look back, or look upon a situation seemingly outside of yourself.

All of this is from you. All of your realities that you experience are from you, they are you and a part of you. Fourth density reality will allow you to experience your reality as a part of you because you are more aware of more of yourself, and are actually able to physically perceive what you have for so long considered to be outside yourself as actually a part of you.

Because fourth density is not only the idea or the ability to stand apart and look at yourself or back at yourself; it is the ability to look through yourself and see all the reasons and all the illusions that you have created to experience this sense of objectivity or separation.  The need to work on moving into 4th Density and eventually into 5th Dimension is so important to the benefit of ALL. ~Kathyann


There is not a single instance in history where hate has brought joy to human beings. If humanity released all hate, fear, and resentment, then no dictator could ever rise and there would be peace on Earth. Hate destroys those who hold it in their minds and bodies.  Hate debilitates and right now our world needs to be strong in mind, body, and soul.  Peace on Earth can only occur through peace within each one of us as we pass it on.  So go get your peace on! ~Kathyann

keep calm and get your peace on

Twas the Night Before Yuletide

The Old Crones Corner
Twas the Night before Yuletide ☽○☾

Twas the night before Yuletide and all through the glen
Not a creature was stirring, not a fox, not a hen.
A mantle of snow shone brightly that night
As it lay on the ground, reflecting moonlight.

The faeries were nestled all snug in their trees,
Unmindful of flurries and a chilly north breeze.
The elves and the gnomes were down in their burrows,
Sleeping like babes in their soft earthen furrows.

When low! The earth moved with a thunderous quake,
Causing chairs to fall over and dishes to break.
The Little Folk scrambled to get on their feet
Then raced to the river where they usually meet.

“What happened?” they wondered, they questioned, they probed, As they shivered in night clothes, some bare-armed, some robed. “What caused the earth’s shudder? What caused her to shiver?”
They all spoke at once as they stood by the river.

Then what to their wondering eyes should appear
But a shining gold light in the shape of a sphere.
It blinked and it twinkled, it winked like an eye,
Then it flew straight up and was lost in the sky.

Before they could murmur, before they could bustle,
There emerged from the crowd, with a swish and a rustle,
A stately old crone with her hand on a cane,
Resplendent in green with a flowing white mane.

As she passed by them the old crone’s perfume,
Smelling of meadows and flowers a bloom,
Made each of the fey folk think of the spring
When the earth wakes from slumber and the birds start to sing.

“My name is Gaia,” the old crone proclaimed
in a voice that at once was both wild and tamed,
“I’ve come to remind you, for you seem to forget,
that Yule is the time of re-birth, and yet…”

“I see no hearth fires, hear no music, no bells,
The air isn’t filled with rich fragrant smells
Of baking and roasting, and simmering stews,
Of cider that’s mulled or other hot brews.”

“There aren’t any children at play in the snow,
Or houses lit up by candles’ glow.
Have you forgotten, my children, the fun
Of celebrating the rebirth of the sun?”

She looked at the fey folk, her eyes going round,
As they shuffled their feet and stared at the ground.
Then she smiled the smile that brings light to the day,
“Come, my children,” she said, “Let’s play.”

They gathered the mistletoe, gathered the holly,
Threw off the drab and drew on the jolly.
They lit a big bonfire, and they danced and they sang.
They brought out the bells and clapped when they rang.

They strung lights on the trees, and bows, oh so merry,
In colors of cranberry, bayberry, cherry.
They built giant snowmen and adorned them with hats,
Then surrounded them with snow birds, and snow cats and bats.

Then just before dawn, at the end of their fest,
Before they went homeward to seek out their rest,
The fey folk they gathered ‘round their favorite oak tree
And welcomed the sun ‘neath the tree’s finery.

They were just reaching home when it suddenly came,
The gold light returned like an arrow-shot flame.
It lit on the tree top where they could see from afar
The golden-like sphere turned into a star.

The old crone just smiled at the beautiful sight,
“Happy Yuletide, my children,” she whispered. “Good night.”


The Author of this wonderful tale is unfortunately unknown.

Found on: Pagan by Design

twas the night before yuletide

Deer Woman

Deer Woman 
running free
choosing her path carefully.
Stepping delicately
on crunchy leaves
picking her way through rocky hillsides
cautious, aware, watchful, knowing.

woman running in forest

What’s that?
A sound.
Her ear is tuned
to the heartbeat of the earth
she walks in time with the wind
she is cleansed by raindrops and dew
and the fire of her own sweet breath
as she nestles with her fawn in secret places.

She knows the dark privacy of the forest
the cool side of the mountain
the warm sun of the field
she knows the taste of grapes on her tongue
the feel of wind on her back
and the joy of leaping, unbound.

She may appear timid and wary
yet she will not be boxed in
she will not be caged
she will not be fenced
she will dance wild and free
in moonlight
in sunlight
on stone
and on grass
in field and valley
running, running
and calling your name.

Come run with me
be free
leap the fences
leaving behind that which is narrow and confining
and sip the sweet raindrops by my side.

pay attention
be alert and cautious
and run.
Run like the wind.
Wherever the beat of your heart
and Gaia’s horn might lead.

        by Edna O’Brien – WoodsPriestess

Loving Life on Earth

There is no better time than today to start loving your life here on Earth.  I am a Law of Attraction/Life Coach and would love to help you begin to see the beauty in yourself and the world around you which will then change the life you experience. Contact me for more information. — Lovingly, Kathyann.fall flower tumblr 3