Coffee Time – What’s in Your Garden?

Time for a cup of glorious coffee and as you sit and enjoy your cup of joe, take time to ponder the following words:

MAN’S mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth something. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping 

fall garden

it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life. He also reveals, within himself, the laws of thought, and understands, with ever-increasing accuracy, how the thought-forces and mind elements operate in the shaping of his character, circumstances, and destiny. — Kathyann

Copyright © Kathyann – Loving Life on Earth.  All rights reserved.  You are free to copy and distribute this material, as long as it is not altered it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this notice.

Three Steps to Mastering Your Life

ask believe receiveAsk, Believe, and Receive are just three simple steps to create what you want. Relatively speaking, the asking and receiving steps are easy, right?  For many, the problem lies in the second step, believe.  This can be the most difficult step and yet it is the greatest step you will ever take.  When you decide to belief in something, your faith will tell you to believe in it no matter what and this is the key to your success with this step.  I would like you to remember that believing does not waver, believing contains no doubt, believing is absolute, and believing remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world.  When you have mastered believing, you have mastered your life.

Keep your focus and intention on what you want, hold fast to your belief that you will have it, smile and be happy that you have what you desire; and then the universe will bring it to fruition.

— Kathyann

Beautiful Fall/Autumn Outside Decorating

Just had to share this beautiful picture of such a great display for this wonderful time of year.  Credits goes to Sun Baked Treasures and others on Facebook.  Follow the link below the photo.

Autumn Sale

Take Time for Yourself

Most of you have time off from work either today or tomorrow so I encourage you to try, even for one hour to take time for yourself – do as the woman in this picture did.  Go spread a blanket in the fall leaves, lie down, and go on an adventure with yourself and a book with a good story.  You deserve it! — Kathyannwoman reading book in nature

Coffee Time – Communicating With Our GPS System by Kathyann

Coffee time for dog

It’s a new day friends, let’s make it a great one. Remember you create it – no one else can do it for you.  Grab yourself a cup of your favorite coffee and join me for conversation on the GPS systems.

I know many of you listen and follow what your car’s GPS tells you, right?  The GPS is a marvelous man-made piece of equipment that is beneficial to many who lose their sense of direction.  Many people have it — some use it often and others rarely use it, thinking they can find their own way.

Well, guess what concept the GPS was built after?  The human GPS.  It is interesting how many people often use their internal GPS in the same way they use their car’s GPS — some use it often and others rarely do, thinking they can find their own way. Finding your own way is a wonderful thing to do and so much can be learned when we lose our way and get off the beaten path/road.  However, may we all remember the internal GPS we have is eternal, cannot be destroyed, and knows the path or road better for us.  Life is so much more rewarding when we turn our internal GPS on, tune in to it, and then accept the suggestions it gives us as to which way to turn: right, left, straight, or go around and start over.

Ask it every day in a quiet place, preferably before rising out of bed, to guide you through your day – guide your thoughts, your intentions, your words, your feelings, and to make you more susceptible to its guidance that comes in many different ways.  Learn to listen and follow you innermost self and you will find peace, happiness, and the person you really are.  You will always find your place in this world — where you are utterly and unquestionably supposed to be.


Happy GPSing my friends!

— Kathyann

Copyright © Kathyann – Loving Life on Earth.  All rights reserved.  You are free to copy and distribute this material, as long as it is not altered it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this notice.

Coffee Time – Let Go of the Past

Thanks for joining me for a wonderful cup of coffee.  Today, I think we should speak about the past and all that was there to serve us.

Our past has shaped us into what we are today and remembering the dearest, happiest, fondest memories are a wonderful ability we have.  Unfortunately, that ability also holds onto the memories we would rather forget – memories that weren’t so good.  Often, we tend to remember the difficult times we went through or times when things didn’t go the way we desired.

let go of the past and the past will let go of you

So, how do you forget the bad times? First, you must remember that just as you have the ability to remember the past, you have the ability to forget the past, especially the past that doesn’t or didn’t serve you well.

Second, if there is something in your past that continues to haunt you, call it forward into your mind, close your eyes and examine the event and all that was involved with it, ask yourself if there was something you could have done to prevent it, ask yourself if there was a lesson attached to the event, ask whatever questions you feel are appropriate, and then ask your Higher Self for clarification of the event.  

Third, give gratitude to the event happening and for lessons learned.

Fourth, remember that the past is the past and every moment you are a new person – you are not the person from your past when the event occurred.

Fifth, take a deep breath, smile, blow it out, and LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO!!! The event does not want to hold onto you any more than you want to hold on to it so LET IT GO!  

Now, that it is over and gone – don’t hold grudges or resentment for any of it. Forgive yourself and all involved and move on.  Learn to stay in the NOW time.

— Kathyann 

Copyright © Kathyann – Loving Life on Earth.  All rights reserved.  You are free to copy and distribute this material, as long as it is not altered it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this notice.